This system combines the benefits of both film and digital, the CS 7200 imaging plate system is an affordable solution for any practice. In addition to being the perfect chairside companion, the system covers a range of everyday intraoral application and there is no compromise to image quality.
This system combines the benefits of both film and digital, the CS 7200 imaging plate system is an affordable solution for any practice. In addition to being the perfect chairside companion, the system covers a range of everyday intraoral application and there is no compromise to image quality. It combines a true resolution of 17 lp/mm, a wide exposure range and powerful image processing, the CS 7200 delivers sharp images with exceptional details and high contrast, near-instantly. It access first image in as little as 8 seconds with a new processing which ensures optimal contrast, sharpness, and low noise images.
With the CS 7200 images automatically display on your computer screen—no clicks required. Cable-free plates promote accurate positioning for better workflow. Plates available in same sizes as our film (size 0, 1, 2). The presence of hygienic sheaths reduce risk of cross-contamination and protect plates from scratches and light. The system automatically recognizes when a plate is inserted upside down without erasing the image. It erases automatically after each scan and ready for reuse.