This is a fully automated and secured x-ray workflow, the CS 7600 provides the essential elements you need to generate outstanding images. Featuring Scan & Go technology, the unit is designed for shared use, so it’s always available when you need it—making it perfect for multi-user practices.
This is a fully automated and secured x-ray workflow, the CS 7600 provides the essential elements you need to generate outstanding images. Featuring Scan & Go technology, the unit is designed for shared use, so it’s always available when you need it—making it perfect for multi-user practices.
And, since the CS 7600’s plates are as easy to use as film, the system integrates easily into any practice. It delivers the high quality images within five seconds to enable the practitioner make confident diagnosis offers a built in memory to avoid image loss. Plates available in different sizes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4).