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Leksell GammaPlan® 10 is the latest advance in Elekta’s software portfolio for Leksell Gamma Knife®. This software upgrade enables optimal clinical performance in terms of speed, planning, ease, targeting accuracy and re-treatment. 

Leksell GammaPlan® 10 is the latest advance in Elekta’s software portfolio for Leksell Gamma Knife®. This software upgrade enables optimal clinical performance in terms of speed, planning, ease, targeting accuracy and re-treatment.

Enhance Treatment Planning Capabilities Upgrading to Leksell GammaPlan 10 provides added functionality as well as the latest advances to Elekta’s robust and well-proven platform. Leksell GammaPlan 10 also gives you the opportunity to upgrade to all the new power available in Inverse Planning, Convolution and AtlasSpace®. Looking ahead, it also supports the addition of future software modules in order to ensure clinical capabilities for tomorrow.

Improve Throughput and Ease-of-use Leksell GammaPlan 10 includes updated dose profiles and output factors that more closely reflect real treatment needs. In addition to the new ability to export the dose volume histogram, it is now also possible to select integer increments of metrics. New target matrices can automatically be defined from an outlined target, and you gain the freedom to optimize and customize Leksell GammaPlan for more efficient workflows.

Optimize Clinical Outcome and Accuracy The additional modules available for Leksell GammaPlan 10 can significantly contribute to improving outcome and accuracy. Notable benefits include the ability to better protect surrounding healthy tissue and critical brain structures by enabling steep and precise dose fall off.

Ensure Uptime With Leksell GammaPlan 10, you can easily switch over to a secondary workstation located elsewhere in the network, thus providing redundancy and back-up for a primary workstation.

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