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Nimbuss-4 is an advanced Mattress Replacement System (MRS) with alternating pressure redistribution. It The Nimbus® 4 system combines automatic adjustment of cell pressures, the Heelguard™ and unique vent valve technology to provide effective pressure relief and improved solutions for a wide range of resident/patient management issues.

Nimbuss-4 Mattress

Nimbuss-4 is an advanced Mattress Replacement System (MRS) with alternating pressure redistribution. It The Nimbus® 4 system combines automatic adjustment of cell pressures, the Heelguard™ and unique vent valve technology to provide effective pressure relief and improved solutions for a wide range of resident/patient management issues.

In clinical use for more than 20 years, Nimbus alternating Mattress Replacement Systems (MRS) have consistently proven to be one of the most efficient, comfortable and cost effective pressure redistributing mattress replacements used across all care environments from critical and intensive care to nursing or private homecare.

The Nimbus 4 MRS provides effective alternating pressure relief combined with automatic adjustment to the weight, size and position of the individual, ensuring optimum pressure relief and comfort.

The features include:

  • The mattress is designed to support residents/patients up to 250 kg (550 lbs) and provides the best possible pressure redistribution for all resident/patient types all stages of tissue damage.
  • An Automatt sensor pad, below the entire length of the mattress, works with the automatic pump to constantly readjust cell pressures keeping the interface pressure below 10 mmHg for up to 40% of the operating cycle.
  • Five heel cells incorporate vent valve technology, allowing the caregiver to fully remove interface pressure from this high risk area, and providing zero pressure for the most vulnerable residents/patients, such as those with limb ischaemia or existing wounds.
  • The mattress design provides a 200 mm (8”) inflated cell height with an anti-sink torso section, supporting residents/patients in lying or profiled positions, thereby reducing the risk of bottoming out.
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